

Empowering Software Maintainers with Semantic Web Technologies

14 years 6 months ago
Empowering Software Maintainers with Semantic Web Technologies
Abstract. Software maintainers routinely have to deal with a multitude of artifacts, like source code or documents, which often end up disconnected, due to their different representations and the size and complexity of legacy systems. One of the main challenges in software maintenance is to establish and maintain the semantic connections among all the different artifacts. In this paper, we show how Semantic Web technologies can deliver a unified representation to explore, query and reason about a multitude of software artifacts. A novel feature is the automatic integration of two important types of software maintenance artifacts, source code and documents, by populating their corresponding sub-ontologies through code analysis and text mining. We demonstrate how the resulting “Software Semantic Web” can support typical maintenance tasks through ontology queries and Description Logic reasoning, such as security analysis, architectural evolution, and traceability recovery between code...
René Witte, Yonggang Zhang, Juergen Rilling
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ESWS
Authors René Witte, Yonggang Zhang, Juergen Rilling
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