

Enabling Correct Interest Forwarding and Retransmissions in a Content Centric Network

8 years 10 months ago
Enabling Correct Interest Forwarding and Retransmissions in a Content Centric Network
We show that the mechanisms used in the name data networking (NDN) and the original content centric networking (CCN) architectures may not detect Interest loops, even if the network in which they operate is static and no faults occur. Furthermore, we show that no correct Interest forwarding strategy can be defined that allows Interest aggregation and attempts to detect Interest looping by identifying Interests uniquely. We introduce SIFAH (Strategy for Interest Forwarding and Aggregation with Hop-Counts), the first Interest forwarding strategy shown to be correct under any operational conditions of a content centric network. SIFAH operates by having forwarding information bases (FIBs) store the next hops and number of hops to named content, and by having each Interest state the name of the requested content and the hop count from the router forwarding an Interest to the content. We present the results of simulation experiments using the ndnSIM simulator comparing CCN and NDN with SI...
J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, Maziar Mirzazad Barijoug
Added 16 Apr 2016
Updated 16 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where ANCS
Authors J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, Maziar Mirzazad Barijough
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