

Encoding Max-CSP into Partial Max-SAT

14 years 8 months ago
Encoding Max-CSP into Partial Max-SAT
We define a number of original encodings that map MaxCSP instances into Partial Max-SAT instances. Our encodings rely on the well-known direct and support encodings from CSP into SAT. Then, we report on an experimental investigation that was conducted to compare the performance profile of our encodings on random binary Max-CSP instances. Moreover, we define a new variant of the support encoding from CSP into SAT which produces fewer clauses than the standard support encoding.
Josep Argelich, Alba Cabiscol, Inês Lynce, F
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Josep Argelich, Alba Cabiscol, Inês Lynce, Felip Manyà
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