

Endosymbiotic computing: enabling surrogate GUI and cyber-physical connectivity

14 years 7 months ago
Endosymbiotic computing: enabling surrogate GUI and cyber-physical connectivity
Endosymbiotic Computing entails attaching an RF-enabled microcontroller module (endomodule) to an appliance such that it appears as a networked device in the cyber world. It enables a smart phone to work as not only a universal remote control but also a surrogate GUI for inspecting the attributes of these appliances, without modifications to legacy circuits. To minimize the cost and resource requirements of the endomodules, we propose a generalized active message programming method that executes dynamically-loaded threaded code on-demand without requiring parsing. Categories and Subject Descriptors J.7 [Computers in Other Systems]: Consumer products; C.3 [SpecialPurpose and Application-Based Systems]: Real-time and embedded systems General Terms Design Keywords Endosymbiotic computing, wireless interface, surrogate GUI
Pai H. Chou
Added 19 May 2010
Updated 19 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where DAC
Authors Pai H. Chou
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