

Enforcing Obligation with Security Monitors

14 years 6 months ago
Enforcing Obligation with Security Monitors
With the ubiquitous deployment of large scale networks more and more complex human interactions are supported by computer applications. This poses new challenges on the expressiveness of security policy design systems, often requiring the use of new security paradigms. In this paper we identify a restricted type of obligation which is useful to express new security policies. This type of obligation includes the following general situations: i) when the two actions involved oblige each other, and ii) when the obligatory action is causally dependent on some previous action. In addition, this type of obligation is enforceable by security monitors, thus enabling its use on a variety of different platforms. Using a security language and a compiler encompassing this type of obligation we also show how this type of obligation can be efficiently implemented by a security monitor. This is achieved with the help of the transaction concept: an action that is to be enforced in the future, becaus...
Carlos Ribeiro, Andre Zuquete, Paulo Ferreira
Added 29 Jul 2010
Updated 29 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Carlos Ribeiro, Andre Zuquete, Paulo Ferreira
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