

Enhanced sharing analysis techniques: a comprehensive evaluation

14 years 7 months ago
Enhanced sharing analysis techniques: a comprehensive evaluation
an abstract domain developed by D. Jacobs and A. Langen for the analysis of logic programs, derives useful aliasing information. It is well-known that a commonly used core of techniques, such as the integration of Sharing with freeness and linearity information, can significantly improve the precision of the analysis. However, a number of other proposals for refined domain combinations have been circulating for years. One feature that is common to these proposals is that they do not seem to have undergone a thorough experimental evaluation even with respect to the expected precision gains. In this paper we experimentally evaluate: helping Sharing with the definitely ground variables found using Pos, the domain of positive Boolean formulas; the incorporation of explicit structural information; a full implementation of the reduced product of Sharing and Pos; the issue of reordering the in the computation of the abstract mgu; an original proposal for the addition of a new mode recording ...
Roberto Bagnara, Enea Zaffanella, Patricia M. Hill
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where PPDP
Authors Roberto Bagnara, Enea Zaffanella, Patricia M. Hill
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