

Enhanced User Support for Mobile Ad-hoc-Processes

14 years 3 months ago
Enhanced User Support for Mobile Ad-hoc-Processes
: In ubiquitous application scenarios, the information (processing) needs of nomadic users often cannot be satisfied by a set of pre-installed processes like in common workflow systems. Instead, nomadic users require ad-hoc processes that are unique (personalized) and usually do not appear in the same way more than once. As a consequence, ubiquitous applications also require a sophisticated user management such that ad-hoc processes and users may find each other and interact dynamically, for instance, to implement/use location-aware services. In addition, ad-hoc processes must be able to dynamically adapt to changing conditions which often occur in ubiquitous application scenarios. We recently implemented user management, location-based services, and dynamic process changes as an integral part of the AMOR (Agents, MObility, tRansactions) system. This paper sketches these extensions of AMOR towards a prototype system for a peer-to-peer-based ubiquitous process execution environment with...
Klaus Haller, Michelle Ackermann, Claudio Munari,
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Klaus Haller, Michelle Ackermann, Claudio Munari, Can Türker
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