

Enhancing Deniability against Query-Logs

13 years 1 months ago
Enhancing Deniability against Query-Logs
We propose a method for search privacy on the Internet, focusing on enhancing plausible deniability against search engine query-logs. The method approximates the target search results, without submitting the intended query and avoiding other exposing queries, by employing sets of queries representing more general concepts. We model the problem theoretically, and investigate the practical feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed solution with a set of real queries with privacy issues on a large web collection. The findings may have implications for other IR research areas, such as query expansion and fusion in meta-search.
Avi Arampatzis, Pavlos Efraimidis, George Drosatos
Added 27 Aug 2011
Updated 27 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where ECIR
Authors Avi Arampatzis, Pavlos Efraimidis, George Drosatos
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