

Ensuring deterministic concurrency through compilation

13 years 10 months ago
Ensuring deterministic concurrency through compilation
Abstract--Multicore shared-memory architectures are becoming prevalent but bring many programming challenges. Among the biggest is non-determinism: the output of the program does not depend merely on the input, but also on scheduling choices taken by the operating system. In this paper, we discuss and propose additional tools that provide determinism guarantees--compilers that generate deterministic code, libraries that provide deterministic constructs, and analyzers that check for determinism. Additionally, we discuss techniques to check for problems like deadlock that can result from the use of these deterministic constructs. Keywords-Determinism, Concurrency, SHIM, Deadlocks
Nalini Vasudevan, Stephen A. Edwards
Added 13 Feb 2011
Updated 13 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where IPPS
Authors Nalini Vasudevan, Stephen A. Edwards
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