

Entailment-based Text Exploration with Application to the Health-care Domain

12 years 5 months ago
Entailment-based Text Exploration with Application to the Health-care Domain
We present a novel text exploration model, which extends the scope of state-of-the-art technologies by moving from standard concept-based exploration to statement-based exploration. The proposed scheme utilizes the textual entailment relation between statements as the basis of the exploration process. A user of our system can explore the result space of a query by drilling down/up from one statement to another, according to entailment relations specified by an entailment graph and an optional concept taxonomy. As a prominent use case, we apply our exploration system and illustrate its benefit on the health-care domain. To the best of our knowledge this is the first implementation of an exploration system at the statement level that is based on the textual entailment relation.
Meni Adler, Jonathan Berant, Ido Dagan
Added 29 Sep 2012
Updated 29 Sep 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Where ACL
Authors Meni Adler, Jonathan Berant, Ido Dagan
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