

Enterprise Simulation: framework for a strategic application

14 years 3 months ago
Enterprise Simulation: framework for a strategic application
The term Enterprise Simulation (ES) is gaining acceptance among simulation practitioners. It is coming to represent certain tangible attributes, and its benefits seem apparent in providing a top-down perspective in system analysis. It is envisioned as the next wave of simulation applications that may bring simulation to a higher ground of applicability in the business application arena. ES does so by promising to extend the benefits of simulation modeling and analysis as it is performed today. Linking singular instances of analytical efforts (simulation and otherwise) with limited scope in a network has the potential of delivering extraordinary value to decision-making at the corporate level. Moreover, advances in distributed simulation concepts and networking technology can provide the much needed push to ES by serving as enablers. This paper offers to explain the motivation behind ES, and explain its relevance to the business environment of large, complex organizations. A developmen...
Milind M. Datar
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where WSC
Authors Milind M. Datar
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