

Entity ranking using Wikipedia as a pivot

14 years 5 hour ago
Entity ranking using Wikipedia as a pivot
In this paper we investigate the task of Entity Ranking on the Web. Searchers looking for entities are arguably better served by presenting a ranked list of entities directly, rather than a list of web pages with relevant but also potentially redundant information about these entities. Since entities are represented by their web homepages, a naive approach to entity ranking is to use standard text retrieval. Our experimental results clearly demonstrate that text retrieval is effective at finding relevant pages, but performs poorly at finding entities. Our proposal is to use Wikipedia as a pivot for finding entities on the Web, allowing us to reduce the hard web entity ranking problem to easier problem of Wikipedia entity ranking. Wikipedia allows us to properly identify entities and some of their characteristics, and Wikipedia’s elaborate category structure allows us to get a handle on the entity’s type. Our main findings are the following. Our first finding is that, in prin...
Rianne Kaptein, Pavel Serdyukov, Arjen P. de Vries
Added 24 Jan 2011
Updated 24 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CIKM
Authors Rianne Kaptein, Pavel Serdyukov, Arjen P. de Vries, Jaap Kamps
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