

Entity Recognition for Sensor Network Motes

14 years 6 months ago
Entity Recognition for Sensor Network Motes
d Abstract) Stefan Lucks1 , Erik Zenner2 , Andr´e Weimerskirch3 , Dirk Westhoff4 1 Theoretische Informatik, University of Mannheim, Germany 2 Erik Zenner, Cryptico A/S, Copenhagen, Danmark 3 escrypt - Embedded Security GmbH, Bochum, Germany 4 NEC Heidelberg, Germany : Message authenticity (knowing “who sent this message”) is an important security issue for sensor networks, and often difficult to solve. Sometimes, it may be sufficient and more efficient to solve the simpler entitiy recognition problem, instead: “is the message from the same entity that sent the previous messages?”. This paper describes entity recognition for sensor network motes. A protocol presented at SAC 2003 [5] is shown to be insecure, and a new and provably secure protocol is proposed.
Stefan Lucks, Erik Zenner, André Weimerskir
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where GI
Authors Stefan Lucks, Erik Zenner, André Weimerskirch, Dirk Westhoff
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