

Enumeration and Asymptotic Properties of Unlabeled Outerplanar Graphs

14 years 3 months ago
Enumeration and Asymptotic Properties of Unlabeled Outerplanar Graphs
We determine the exact and asymptotic number of unlabeled outerplanar graphs. The exact number gn of unlabeled outerplanar graphs on n vertices can be computed in polynomial time, and gn is asymptotically g n−5/2ρ−n, where g ≈ 0.00909941 and ρ−1 ≈ 7.50360 can be approximated. Using our enumerative results we investigate several statistical properties of random unlabeled outerplanar graphs on n vertices, for instance concerning connectedness, the chromatic number, and the number of edges. To obtain the results we combine classical cycle index enumeration with recent results from analytic combinatorics.
Manuel Bodirsky, Éric Fusy, Mihyun Kang, St
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Authors Manuel Bodirsky, Éric Fusy, Mihyun Kang, Stefan Vigerske
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