

Equistable distance-hereditary graphs

14 years 20 days ago
Equistable distance-hereditary graphs
Abstract. A graph is called equistable when there is a nonnegative weight function on its vertices such that a set S of vertices has total weight 1 if and only if S is maximal stable. We show that a necessary condition for a graph to be equistable is sufficient when the graph in question is distance-hereditary. This is used to design a polynomial-time recognition algorithm for equistable distancehereditary graphs.
Ephraim Korach, Uri N. Peled, Udi Rotics
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where DAM
Authors Ephraim Korach, Uri N. Peled, Udi Rotics
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