

Equivalence Problems for Circuits over Sets of Natural Numbers

14 years 6 months ago
Equivalence Problems for Circuits over Sets of Natural Numbers
We investigate the complexity of equivalence problems for {∪, ∩, − , +, ×}-circuits computing sets of natural numbers. These problems were first introduced by Stockmeyer and Meyer (1973). We continue this line of research and give a systematic characterization of the complexity of equivalence problems over sets of natural numbers. Our work shows that equivalence problems capture a wide range of complexity classes like NL, C=L, P, ΠP 2 , PSPACE, NEXP, and beyond. McKenzie and Wagner (2003) studied related membership problems for circuits over sets of natural numbers. Our results also have consequences for these membership problems: We provide improved upper bounds for the cases of {∪, ∩, − , +, ×}- and {∩, +, ×}-circuits. Classification: Computational and structural complexity; Combinational Circuits; Algorithms
Christian Glaßer, Katrin Herr, Christian Rei
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CSR
Authors Christian Glaßer, Katrin Herr, Christian Reitwießner, Stephen D. Travers, Matthias Waldherr
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