

ESC: Energy Synchronized Communication in Sustainable Sensor Networks

14 years 8 months ago
ESC: Energy Synchronized Communication in Sustainable Sensor Networks
—With advances in energy harvesting techniques, it is now feasible to build sustainable sensor networks (SSN) to support long-term applications. Unlike battery-powered sensor networks, the objective of sustainable sensor networks is to effectively utilize a continuous stream of ambient energy. Instead of pushing the limits of energy conservation, we are aiming at energy-synchronized designs1 to keep energy supplies and demands in balance. Specifically, this work presents the Energy Synchronized Communication (ESC) as a transparent middleware between the network layer and data link layer that controls the amount and timing of RF activity at receiving nodes. In this work, we first derive a delay model for cross-traffic at individual nodes, which reveals an interesting stair effect in low-duty-cycle networks. This effect allows us to design a localized energy synchronization control with O(1) time complexity that shuffles or adjusts the working schedule of a node to optimize crosstr...
Yu Gu, Ting Zhu, Tian He
Added 23 May 2010
Updated 23 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICNP
Authors Yu Gu, Ting Zhu, Tian He
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