

Estimation-theoretic approach to delayed prediction in scalable video coding

13 years 10 months ago
Estimation-theoretic approach to delayed prediction in scalable video coding
Scalable video coding (SVC) employs inter-frame prediction at the base and/or the enhancement layers. Since the base layer can be encoded/decoded independent of the enhancement layers, we consider here the potential gains when prediction at the enhancement layers is delayed to accumulate and incorporate additional future information from the base layer. We build on two basic estimationtheoretic (ET) approaches developed by our group: an ET approach for enhancement layer prediction that optimally combines current base layer with prior enhancement layer information, and our recent ET approach for delayed decoding. The proposed technique fully exploits all the available information from the base layer, including any future frame information, and past enhancement layer information. It achieves considerable gains over zero-delay techniques including both standard SVC, and SVC with optimal ET prediction (but with zero encoding delay).
Jingning Han, Vinay Melkote, Kenneth Rose
Added 12 Feb 2011
Updated 12 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ICIP
Authors Jingning Han, Vinay Melkote, Kenneth Rose
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