Etter Solutions Research Group participated in the TRECVID conference for the first time in 2007. We submitted five runs in the area of fully automatic search. Fully Automatic Search Runs F_A_1_ESRG_A1_1 The first run is a required baseline, using only ASR/MT features. A sliding window of three shots is used to create a “bag of words” representation of the shot. F_A_1_ESRG_KN2_2 The second run is a required baseline, using no text from the ASR/MT output. This run uses visual keypoint features with shot description expansion using a semantic network. F_A_2_ESRG_AN3_3 The third run is an optional run combining ASR/MT features with shot term expansion using a semantic network. F_A_2_ESRG_AKN4_4 The fourth run is an optional run using a weighted fusion model with the ASR/MT and visual keypoint features. Shot description expansion using a semantic network is applied to both feature sets. F_A_2_ESRG_AKNF5_5 The fifth run is an optional run using a weighted fusion model with the ASR and ...