

EusPropBank: Integrating Semantic Information in the Basque Dependency Treebank

14 years 8 months ago
EusPropBank: Integrating Semantic Information in the Basque Dependency Treebank
This paper deals with theoretical problems found in the work that is being carried out for annotating semantic roles in the Basque Dependency Treebank (BDT). We will present the resources used and the way the annotation is being done. Following the model proposed in the PropBank project, we will show the problems found in the annotation process and decisions we have taken. The representation of the semantic tag has been established and detailed guidelines for the annotation process have been defined, although it is a task that needs continuous updating. Besides, we have adapted AbarHitz, a tool used in the construction of the BDT, to this task. Key Words: Theoretical Problems in Semantic Annotation, Representation of Semantic Roles, Lexical Resources
Izaskun Aldezabal, María Jesús Aranz
Added 18 May 2010
Updated 18 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Izaskun Aldezabal, María Jesús Aranzabe, Arantza Díaz de Ilarraza Sánchez, Ainara Estarrona, Larraitz Uria
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