

Evaluating audio skimming and frame rate acceleration for summarizing BBC rushes

14 years 4 months ago
Evaluating audio skimming and frame rate acceleration for summarizing BBC rushes
For the first time in 2007, TRECVID considered structured evaluation of automated video summarization, utilizing BBC rushes video. In 2007, we conducted user evaluations with the published TRECVID summary assessment procedure to rate a cluster method for producing summaries, a 25x (sampling every 25th frame), and pz (emphasizing pans and zooms). Data from 4 human assessors shows significant differences between the cluster, pz, and 25x approaches. The best coverage (text inclusion performance) is obtained by 25x, but at the expense of 25x taking the most time to evaluate and judged as being the most redundant. Method pz was easier to use than cluster and rated best on redundancy. A question following the TRECVID workshop was whether simple speed-ups would still work at 50x or 100x, leading to a study with 15 human assessors looking at pzA (pz but with better audio), 25x, 50x, and 100x summaries (these latter 3 with an unsynchronized more comprehensive audio track as well). 100x gives t...
Michael G. Christel, Wei-Hao Lin, Bryan Maher
Added 18 Oct 2010
Updated 18 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CIVR
Authors Michael G. Christel, Wei-Hao Lin, Bryan Maher
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