

Evaluation of Regressive Methods for Automated Generation of Test Trajectories

14 years 5 months ago
Evaluation of Regressive Methods for Automated Generation of Test Trajectories
Automated generation of test cases is a prerequisite for fast testing. Whereas the research has addressed the creation of individual test points, test trajectoiy generation has attracted limited. In simple terms,a test trajectoiy is defined as a series of data points, with each (possiblymultidimensional)point relying upon the value(s)ofpreviouspoint(s). Software systems that use data trajectories as inputs include closed-loopprocess controllers. For these systems, software testers can either handcraft test trajectories, use input trajectories from older versions of the system or, perhaps, collect test data in a high fidelity system simulator. While these are valid approaches, they are expensive and time-consuming, especially if the assessment goals require substantialnumber of tests. In this paper, we propose aframework for expanding a small, conventionallydevelopedset of test trajectories into a large set suitable,for example,for system safe0 assurance. In the core of this framework ...
Brian J. Taylor, Bojan Cukic
Added 31 Jul 2010
Updated 31 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Authors Brian J. Taylor, Bojan Cukic
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