

An Evaluation of Regular Path Expressions with Qualifiers against XML Streams

15 years 4 months ago
An Evaluation of Regular Path Expressions with Qualifiers against XML Streams
This paper presents SPEX, a streamed and progressive evaluation of regular path expressions with XPath-like qualifiers against XML streams. SPEX proceeds as follows. An expression is translated in linear time into a network of transducers, most of them having 1-DPDT equivalents. Every stream message is then processed once by the entire network and result fragments are output on the fly. In most practical cases SPEX needs a time linear in the stream size and for transducer stacks a memory quadratic in the stream depth. Experiments with a prototype implementation point to a very good efficiency of the SPEX approach. 1 Motivation Querying data streams is motivated by applications like real time measurements and continuous services which select informations from continuous streams of data, e.g. stock exchange or meteorology data. For a selective dissemination of information, streams have to be filtered according to complex queries before being distributed to subscribers [2]. To integrate ...
Dan Olteanu, François Bry, Tobias Kiesling
Added 01 Nov 2009
Updated 01 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ICDE
Authors Dan Olteanu, François Bry, Tobias Kiesling
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