

Evaluation of rule-based modularization in model transformation languages illustrated with ATL

14 years 6 months ago
Evaluation of rule-based modularization in model transformation languages illustrated with ATL
This paper studies ways for modularizing transformation definitions in current rule-based model transformation languages. Two scenarios are shown in which the modular units are identified on the base of the relations between source and target metamodels and on the base of generic transformation functionality. Both scenarios justify modularization by requiring adaptability and reusability in transformation definitions. To enable representation and composition of the identified units, a transformation language must provide proper modular constructs and mechanisms for their integration. We evaluate several implementations of the scenarios by applying different transformation techniques: declarative and imperative implementations, usage of explicit and implicit rule calls, and usage of rule inheritance. ATLAS Transformation Language (ATL) is used to illustrate these implementations. The evaluation makes software engineers aware of advantages and disadvantages of the considered techniques ...
Ivan Kurtev, Klaas van den Berg, Fréd&eacut
Added 14 Jun 2010
Updated 14 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where SAC
Authors Ivan Kurtev, Klaas van den Berg, Frédéric Jouault
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