

Event-Based Service Coordination

14 years 4 months ago
Event-Based Service Coordination
Abstract. In this paper we tackle the problem of designing and implementing a framework for programming service coordination policies. In particular, we illustrate the design and the prototype implementation of Java Signal Core Layer (JSCL), a coordination middleware for services based on the event notification paradigm. We formally motivate the design choices of the JSCL middleware by exploiting a variant of the -calculus specifically tailored to deal with event notification and distribution. We demonstrate how service coordination polices can be precisely programmed in JSCL by some simple but illustrative case studies. Keywords. Service Oriented Architectures, Event Notification, Coordination
Gian Luigi Ferrari, Roberto Guanciale, Daniele Str
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Gian Luigi Ferrari, Roberto Guanciale, Daniele Strollo, Emilio Tuosto
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