

The Evolution of Reaction-Diffusion Controllers for Minimally Cognitive Agents

14 years 17 days ago
The Evolution of Reaction-Diffusion Controllers for Minimally Cognitive Agents
This article describes work carried out to investigate whether a classic reaction-diffusion (RD) system could be used to control a minimally cognitive animat. The RD system chosen was that first described by Gray and Scott, and the minimally cognitive behaviors were those used by Beer et al. involving the fixation and discrimination of diamond and circle shapes by a whiskered animat. A further task was added, which required the RD controllers to maintain and use a chemical memory. The parameters of these controllers were evolved using an evolutionary, or genetic, algorithm.
Kyran Dale, Phil Husbands
Added 08 Dec 2010
Updated 08 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Kyran Dale, Phil Husbands
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