

Evolutionary computation and the c-value paradox

14 years 6 months ago
Evolutionary computation and the c-value paradox
The C-value Paradox is the name given in biology to the wide variance in and often very large amount of DNA in eukaryotic genomes and the poor correlation between DNA length and perceived organism complexity. Several hypotheses exist which purport to explain the Paradox. Surprisingly there is a related phenomenon in evolutionary computation, known as code bloat, for which a different set of hypotheses has arisen. This paper describes a new hypothesis for the Cvalue Paradox derived from models of code bloat. The new explanation is that there is a selective bias in preference of genetic events which increase DNA material over those which decrease it. The paper suggests one possible concrete mechanism by which this may occur: deleting strands of DNA is more likely to damage genomic material than migrating or copying strands. The paper also discusses other hypotheses in biology and in evolutionary computation, and provides a simulation example as a proof of concept. Categories and Subjec...
Sean Luke
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Sean Luke
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