

Evolutionary Ensemble for In Silico Prediction of Ames Test Mutagenicity

14 years 9 months ago
Evolutionary Ensemble for In Silico Prediction of Ames Test Mutagenicity
Driven by new regulations and animal welfare, the need to develop in silico models has increased recently as alternative approaches to safety assessment of chemicals without animal testing. This paper describes a novel machine learning ensemble approach to building an in silico model for the prediction of the Ames test mutagenicity, one of a battery of the most commonly used experimental in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity tests for safety evaluation of chemicals. Evolutionary random neural ensemble with negative correlation learning (ERNE) [1] was developed based on neural networks and evolutionary algorithms. ERNE combines the method of bootstrap sampling on training data with the method of random subspace feature selection to ensure diversity in creating individuals within an initial ensemble. Furthermore, while evolving individuals within the ensemble, it makes use of the negative correlation learning, enabling individual NNs to be trained as accurate as possible while still manage t...
Huanhuan Chen, Xin Yao
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICIC
Authors Huanhuan Chen, Xin Yao
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