

An evolutionary method for complex-process optimization

14 years 21 days ago
An evolutionary method for complex-process optimization
In this paper we present a new evolutionary method for complex-process optimization. It is partially based on principles of the scatter search methodology, but it makes use of innovative strategies to be more effective in the context of complex-process optimization using a small number of tuning parameters. In particular, we introduce a new combination method based on path relinking, which considers a broader area around the population members than previous combination methods. We also use a population-update method which improves the balance between intensification and diversification. New strategies to intensify the search and to escape from suboptimal solutions are also presented. The application of the proposed evolutionary algorithm to different sets of both state-of-the-art continuous global optimization and complex-process optimization problems reveals that it is robust and efficient for the type of problems intended to solve, outperforming the results obtained with other metho...
Jose A. Egea, Rafael Martí, Julio R. Banga
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where COR
Authors Jose A. Egea, Rafael Martí, Julio R. Banga
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