

Evolutionary Optimization Guided by Entropy-Based Discretization

14 years 10 months ago
Evolutionary Optimization Guided by Entropy-Based Discretization
The Learnable Evolution Model (LEM) involves alternating periods of optimization and learning, performa extremely well on a range of problems, a specialises in achieveing good results in relatively few function evaluations. LEM implementations tend to use sophisticated learning strategies. Here we continue an exploration of alternative and simpler learning strategies, and try Entropy-based Discretization (ED), whereby, for each parameter in the search space, we infer from recent evaluated samples what seems to be a ‘good’ interval. We find that LEM(ED) provides significant advantages in both solution speed and quality over the unadorned evolutionary algorithm, and is usually superior to CMA-ES when the number of evaluations is limited. It is interesting to see such improvement gained from an easily-implemented approach. LEM(ED) can be tentatively recommended for trial on problems where good results are needed in relatively few fitness evaluations, while it is open to several rou...
Guleng Sheri, David W. Corne
Added 19 May 2010
Updated 19 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where EVOW
Authors Guleng Sheri, David W. Corne
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