

An Evolvable Rule-Based E-mail Agent

14 years 5 months ago
An Evolvable Rule-Based E-mail Agent
The Semantic Web is a “living organism”, which combines autonomously evolving data sources/knowledge repositories. This dynamic character of the Semantic Web requires (declarative) languages and mechanisms for specifying its maintenance and evolution. For example, for changing the behaviour of a data source, so that a new rule becomes into effect, one should not be concerned with the complex, interrelated, and dynamically obtained knowledge, and should have a way to simply specify what knowledge is to be changed. This requires the existence of a language for exacting such changes (or updates), which takes in consideration the addition/deletion and changes of rules, thereby automating the task of dealing with inconsistencies arising from those updates. To address this issue, we resort to recent developments in the field of Logic Programming, and show how the framework of EVOLP (EVOlving Logic Programs) can be put to work to model such reactive and updateable rule bases, bringing a...
José Júlio Alferes, Antonio Brogi, J
Added 06 Jul 2010
Updated 06 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where EPIA
Authors José Júlio Alferes, Antonio Brogi, João Alexandre Leite, Luís Moniz Pereira
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