

Evolving Variable-Ordering Heuristics for Constrained Optimisation

14 years 4 months ago
Evolving Variable-Ordering Heuristics for Constrained Optimisation
In this paper we present and evaluate an evolutionary approach for learning new constraint satisfaction algorithms, specifically for MAX-SAT optimisation problems. Our approach offers two significant advantages over existing methods: it allows the evolution of more complex combinations of heuristics, and; it can identify fruitful synergies among heuristics. Using four different classes of MAX-SAT problems, we experimentally demonstrate that algorithms evolved with this method exhibit superior performance in comparison to general purpose methods.
Stuart Bain, John Thornton, Abdul Sattar
Added 13 Oct 2010
Updated 13 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where CP
Authors Stuart Bain, John Thornton, Abdul Sattar
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