The rapid adoption of mobile devices that are able to capture and transmit a wide variety of sensing modalities (media and location) has enabled a new data collection paradigm - participatory sensing. Participatory sensing initiatives organize individuals to gather sensed information using mobile devices through cooperative data collection. A major factor in the success of these data collection projects is sustained, high quality participation. However, since data capture requires a time and energy commitment from individuals, incentives are often introduced to motivate participants. In this work, we investigate the use of micro-payments as an incentive model. We define a set of metrics that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of incentives and report on findings from a pilot study using various micro-payment schemes in a university campus sustainability initiative. Author Keywords Participatory sensing, incentives, mobile sensing systems ACM Classification Keywords H.5.m Inform...
Sasank Reddy, Deborah Estrin, Mark H. Hansen, Mani