Low-latency and high-throughput processing are key requirements of data stream management systems (DSMSs). Hence, multi-core processors that provide high aggregate processing capacity are ideal matches for executing costly DSMS operators. The recently developed Cell processor is a good example of a heterogeneous multi-core architecture and provides a powerful platform for executing data stream operators with high-performance. On the down side, exploiting the full potential of a multi-core processor like Cell is often challenging, mainly due to the heterogeneous nature of the processing elements, the software managed local memory at the co-processor side, and the unconventional programming model in general. In this paper, we study the problem of scalable execution of windowed stream join operators on multi-core processors, and specifically on the Cell processor. By examining various aspects of join execution flow, we determine the right set of techniques to apply in order to minimize t...
Bugra Gedik, Philip S. Yu, Rajesh Bordawekar