

Execution and Cache Performance of the Scheduled Dataflow Architecture

14 years 11 days ago
Execution and Cache Performance of the Scheduled Dataflow Architecture
: This paper presents an evaluation of our Scheduled Dataflow (SDF) Processor. Recent focus in the field of new processor architectures is mainly on VLIW (e.g. IA-64), superscalar and superspeculative architectures. This trend allows for better performance at theexpenseof anincreased hardware complexity and a brute-force solution to the memory-wall problem. Our research substantially deviates from this trend by exploring a simpler, yet powerful execution paradigm that is based on dataflow concepts. A program is partitioned into functional execution threads, which are perfectly suited for our non-blocking multithreaded architecture. Inaddition, all memory accessesare decoupled from the thread's execution. Data is pre-loaded into the thread'scontext (registers), and all results are post-stored after the completion of the thread's execution. The decoupling of memory accesses from thread execution requires a separate unit to perform the necessary pre-loads and poststores, an...
Krishna M. Kavi, Joseph Arul, Roberto Giorgi
Added 19 Dec 2010
Updated 19 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2000
Where JUCS
Authors Krishna M. Kavi, Joseph Arul, Roberto Giorgi
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