

The Expected Extremes in a Delaunay Triangulation

14 years 4 months ago
The Expected Extremes in a Delaunay Triangulation
We give an expected-case analysis of Delaunay triangulations. To avoid edge effects we consider a unit-intensity Poisson process in Euclidean d-space, and then limit attention to the portion of the triangulation within a cube of side n1/d. For d equal to two, we calculate the expected maximum edge length, the expected minimum and maximum angles, and the average aspect ratio of a triangle. We also show that in any fixed dimension the expected maximum vertex degree is Θ(log n/ log log n). Altogether our results provide some measure of the suitability of the Delaunay triangulation for certain applications, such as interpolation and mesh generation.
Marshall W. Bern, David Eppstein, F. Frances Yao
Added 27 Aug 2010
Updated 27 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1991
Authors Marshall W. Bern, David Eppstein, F. Frances Yao
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