

Experience Report: Using Internal CMMI Appraisals to Institutionalize Software Development Performance Improvement

14 years 6 months ago
Experience Report: Using Internal CMMI Appraisals to Institutionalize Software Development Performance Improvement
Critical to any successful performance improvement initiative is to achieve a state of continuous or institutionalized improvement. Some improvement can happen quickly, but long-term improvement is typically a matter of sustaining focus. This requires an infrastructure that keeps activities focused and drives them forward. In ABB, the IDEALSM model is used as a guide for setting up improvement activities in development centers. Central to the IDEALSM model is the diagnostic activity, i.e. the evaluation of current performance in the unit against a suitable reference model. Over the last eight years, ABB has used diagnostics in the form of internal CMM/CMMI appraisals to lay the foundation for improvement activities. In this experience report, the use of internal appraisals as a means for sustaining improvement focus will be discussed. Experiences and lessons learnt, as well as some of the specifics of ABB’s internal appraisals will be presented.
Fredrik Ekdahl, Stig Larsson
Added 11 Jun 2010
Updated 11 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Fredrik Ekdahl, Stig Larsson
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