

Experiences with GRIA - Industrial Applications on a Web Services Grid

14 years 6 months ago
Experiences with GRIA - Industrial Applications on a Web Services Grid
The GRIA project set out to make the Grid usable by industry. The GRIA middleware is based on Web Services, and designed to meet the needs of industry for security and business-to-business (B2B) service procurement and operation. It provides well-defined B2B models for accounting and QoS agreement, and proxy-free delegation to support account management and service federation. The GRIA v3 software is now being used by industry. By taking a business-oriented approach independent of the evolving Open Grid Services Architecture proposals from the Global Grid Forum, GRIA has demonstrated the need for a wider understanding of Virtual Organizations (VOs). Traditional academic VOs are persistent, resourceful and have logically centralized, membership-oriented management structures. In contrast, the GRIA experience has been that business VOs are likely to be projectfocused and have distributed, process-oriented management structures.
Mike Surridge, Steve Taylor, David De Roure, Ed Za
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Mike Surridge, Steve Taylor, David De Roure, Ed Zaluska
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