

Experiences Integrating Sophisticated User Experience Design Practices into Agile Processes

14 years 7 months ago
Experiences Integrating Sophisticated User Experience Design Practices into Agile Processes
Most significant software processes involve a wide range of disciplines, from programming to testing, and from documentation to database development. Unfortunately, agile processes are typically presented from the point of view of programmers, with the other disciplines often left feeling excluded and disenfranchised. One such discipline is that of user experience design (often abbreviated UED), a discipline encompassing several key specialties including user research, interface design, visual design and usability testing. UED activities span the full lifecycle of product development from early requirements analysis to construction and testing, spanning both large scale system issues and detailed components, with its work products forming key inputs and deliverables of many development activities. In this experience report, I discuss my coaching experiences integrating sophisticated UED practices into the agile process initiatives of several organizations. My background is initially t...
Paul Hodgetts
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Paul Hodgetts
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