

Experimental Study on Shortcut Nitrification of Sewage from Flushing Toilet with Seawater

13 years 11 months ago
Experimental Study on Shortcut Nitrification of Sewage from Flushing Toilet with Seawater
Shortcut nitrification was reported to be technically feasible and economically favourable, especially when sewages with high ammonium concentrations or low C/N ratios are treated. Nitritation can be obtained by selectively inhibiting nitrite oxidizers through appropriate regulation of the system's pH, DO, temperature, and sludge retention time, and so on. Nitrification tests were performed in a lab-scale reactor operated to treat wastewater containing seawater. In the plant, temperature was maintainted at 28 and influent pH was regulated at 8.3 by dosing sodium carbonate (Na2CO3). The effect of seawater salinity on ammonia nitrogen removals and shortcut nitrification in SBR process for the seawater-flushed toilet wastewater treatment was investigated in this work. The experimental results showed that the shortcut nitrification was achieved when influents contain 30% seawater and nitrite concentrations close to zero in all the experimental runs and complete nitrification to nitra...
Xiaojie Sun, Yingjie Sun, Hongtao Wang, Deshuang Y
Added 17 Feb 2011
Updated 17 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Authors Xiaojie Sun, Yingjie Sun, Hongtao Wang, Deshuang Yu
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