

An Expert System Based on Parametric Net to Support Motor Pump Multi-Failure Diagnostic

14 years 22 days ago
An Expert System Based on Parametric Net to Support Motor Pump Multi-Failure Diagnostic
Abstract Early failure detection in motor pumps is an important issue in prediction maintenance. An efficient condition-monitoring scheme is capable of providing warning and predicting the faults at early stages. Usually, this task is executed by humans. The logical progression of the condition-monitoring technologies is the automation of the diagnostic process. To automate the diagnostic process, intelligent diagnostic systems are used. Many researchers have explored artificial intelligence techniques to diagnose failures in general. However, all papers found in literature are related to a specific problem that can appear in many different machines. In real applications, when the expert analyzes a machine, not only one problem appears, but more than one problem may appear together. So, it is necessary to propose new methods to assist diagnosis looking for a set of occurring fails. For some failures, there are not sufficient instances that can ensure good classifiers induced by availab...
Flavia Cristina Bernardini, Ana Cristina Bicharra
Added 19 Feb 2011
Updated 19 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where IFIP12
Authors Flavia Cristina Bernardini, Ana Cristina Bicharra Garcia, Inhaúma Neves Ferraz
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