

ExPLoIT: Exploiting Past Location Information and Transitivity for positioning in mobile sensor networks

14 years 6 months ago
ExPLoIT: Exploiting Past Location Information and Transitivity for positioning in mobile sensor networks
— We present a novel distributed range-free technique called ExPLoIT for estimating geographical location of sensor nodes in mobile sensor networks. ExPLoIT is the rst positioning technique that exploits location information at regular nodes in addition to using seeds. The key idea is the notion of con dence that a node has in its location estimate which can be used by other nodes for localization. Using Monte Carlo integration, a node estimates its current location and con dence based on its past location and the location information it receives from its neighbors. Node mobility is exploited to transitively localize the network. Our extensive simulation study shows that our proposal outperforms three other state-of-the-art range-free localization techniques under a wide range of conditions. The strength of ExPLoIT is that it is robust to irregular radio propagation, arbitrary seed and node density, and stochastic seed and node mobility; no special hardware is necessary at sensor node...
Christophe Baraer, Kaustubh S. Phanse, Johan Nykvi
Added 02 Jun 2010
Updated 02 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Christophe Baraer, Kaustubh S. Phanse, Johan Nykvist, Luka Birsa
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