

Exploiting the Physical Environment for Securing the Internet of Things

8 years 11 months ago
Exploiting the Physical Environment for Securing the Internet of Things
Using the randomness provided by the physical environment to build security solutions has received much attention recently. In particular, the shared entropy provided by measuring ambient audio, luminosity modalities or electromagnetic emanations has been used to build locationbased, proximity-based, or context-based security mechanisms. The majority of those protocols is based on a standard model consisting channel probing, quantization, information reconciliation, privacy amplification, and key verification. The main problem for almost all approaches is the limited understanding of the security that is provided. For example, security analyses often only address single components and not the entire system or are based on broad ions of the physical source of randomness. Further, a big open question is the feasibility of such systems for low-resource platforms. Our first contribution is a detailed, optimized realization of a key establishment system. We demonstrate the feasibility o...
Christian T. Zenger, Jan Zimmer, Mario Pietersz, J
Added 15 Apr 2016
Updated 15 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where NSPW
Authors Christian T. Zenger, Jan Zimmer, Mario Pietersz, Jan-Felix Posielek, Christof Paar
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