

Exploiting suspected redundancy without proving it

15 years 1 months ago
Exploiting suspected redundancy without proving it
We present several improvements to general-purpose sequential redundancy removal. First, we propose using a robust variety of synergistic transformation and verification algorithms to process the individual proof obligations. Experiments confirm that this more general approach enables greater speed and scalability, and identifies a significantly greater degree of redundancy, than previous approaches. Second, we demonstrate how we may generalize upon traditional redundancy removal applications and utilize the speculatively-reduced model to enhance bounded search, without needing to complete any proofs.
Hari Mony, Jason Baumgartner, Viresh Paruthi, Robe
Added 13 Nov 2009
Updated 13 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where DAC
Authors Hari Mony, Jason Baumgartner, Viresh Paruthi, Robert Kanzelman
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