

Exploiting weak dependencies in tree-based search

14 years 9 months ago
Exploiting weak dependencies in tree-based search
In this work, our objective is to heuristically discover a simplified form of functional dependencies between variables called weak dependencies. Once discovered, these relations are used to rank the variables. Our method shows that these relations can be detected with some acceptable overhead during constraint propagation. More precisely, each time a variable y gets instantiated as a result of the instantiation of x, a weak dependency (x, y) is recorded. As a consequence, the weight of x is raised, and the variable becomes more likely to be selected by the variable ordering heuristic. Experiments on a large set of problems show that on the average, the search trees are reduced by a factor 3 while runtime is decreased by 31% when compared against dom-wdeg, one of the best dynamic variable ordering heuristic. Keywords Constraint Programming, Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Tree-Search , Functional Dependencies
Alejandro Arbelaez, Youssef Hamadi
Added 19 May 2010
Updated 19 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where SAC
Authors Alejandro Arbelaez, Youssef Hamadi
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