

Exploring and Understanding Scientific Metrics in Citation Networks

14 years 9 months ago
Exploring and Understanding Scientific Metrics in Citation Networks
This paper explores scientific metrics in citation networks in scientific communities, how they differ in ranking papers and authors, and why. In particular we focus on network effects in scientific metrics and explore their meaning and impact. We initially take as example three main metrics that we believe significant; the standard citation count, the more and more popular hindex, and a variation we propose of PageRank applied to papers (called PaperRank) that is appealing as it mirrors proven and successful algorithms for ranking web pages and captures relevant information present in the whole citation network. As part of analyzing them, we develop generally applicable techniques and metrics for qualitatively and quantitatively analyzing such network-based indexes that evaluate content and people, as well as for understanding the causes of their different behaviors. We put the techniques at work on a dataset of over 260K ACM papers, and discovered that the difference in ranking resul...
Mikalai Krapivin, Maurizio Marchese, Fabio Casati
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Mikalai Krapivin, Maurizio Marchese, Fabio Casati
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