

Exploring the Notion of 'Clutter' in Euler Diagrams

14 years 4 months ago
Exploring the Notion of 'Clutter' in Euler Diagrams
Abstract. Euler diagrams are an effective and intuitive way of representing relationships between sets. As the number of sets represented grows, Euler diagrams can become `cluttered' and lose some of their intuitive appeal. In this paper we consider various measures of `clutter' for Euler diagrams and show that they compare well with results from an empirical study. We also show that all abstract Euler diagrams can be constructed inductively by inserting a contour at a time and we relate this inductive description to the clutter metrics.
Chris John, Andrew Fish, John Howse, John Taylor
Added 22 Aug 2010
Updated 22 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Chris John, Andrew Fish, John Howse, John Taylor
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