

Exploring Type-and-Identity-Based Proxy Re-Encryption Scheme to Securely Manage Personal Health Records

14 years 25 days ago
Exploring Type-and-Identity-Based Proxy Re-Encryption Scheme to Securely Manage Personal Health Records
Commercial Web-based Personal-Health Record (PHR) systems can help patients to share their personal health records (PHRs) anytime from anywhere. PHRs are very sensitive data and an inappropriate disclosure may cause serious problems to an individual. Therefore commercial Web-based PHR systems have to ensure that the patient health data is secured using state-of-the-art mechanisms. In current commercial PHR systems, even though patients have the power to define the access control policy on who can access their data, patients have to trust entirely the access-control manager of the commercial PHR system to properly enforce these policies. Therefore patients hesitate to upload their health data to these systems as the data is processed unencrypted on untrusted platforms. Recent proposals on enforcing access control policies exploit the use of encryption techniques to enforce access control policies. In such systems, information is stored in an encrypted form by the third party and there i...
Luan Ibraimi, Qiang Tang, Pieter H. Hartel, Willem
Added 05 Mar 2011
Updated 05 Mar 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Luan Ibraimi, Qiang Tang, Pieter H. Hartel, Willem Jonker
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