

Exposing the hidden web for chemical digital libraries

14 years 8 months ago
Exposing the hidden web for chemical digital libraries
In recent years, the vast amount of digitally available content has lead to the creation of many topic-centered digital libraries. Also in the domain of chemistry more and more digital collections are available, but the complex query formulation still hampers their intuitive adoption. This is because information seeking in chemical documents is focused on chemical entities, for which current standard search relies on complex structures which are hard to extract from documents. Moreover, although simple keyword searches would often be sufficient, current collections simply cannot be indexed by Web search providers due to the ambiguity of chemical substance names. In this paper we present a framework for automatically generating metadata-enriched index pages for all documents in a given chemical collection. All information is then linked to the respective documents and thus provides an easy to crawl metadata repository promising to open up digital chemical libraries. Our experiments, in...
Sascha Tönnies, Benjamin Köhncke, Oliver
Added 10 Jul 2010
Updated 10 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where JCDL
Authors Sascha Tönnies, Benjamin Köhncke, Oliver Köpler, Wolf-Tilo Balke
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