

Exposing undergraduate students to database system internals

15 years 17 days ago
Exposing undergraduate students to database system internals
In Spring 2003, Joe Hellerstein at Berkeley and Natassa Ailamaki at CMU collaborated in designing and running parallel editions of an undergraduate database course that exposed students to developing code in the core of a fullfunction database system. As part of this exercise, our course teams developed new programming projects based on the PostgreSQL open-source DBMS. This report describes our experience with this effort. 1 Motivation As background, we revisit the previous teaching experiences at Berkeley and CMU that led to our course design this year.
Anastassia Ailamaki, Joseph M. Hellerstein
Added 08 Dec 2009
Updated 08 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Anastassia Ailamaki, Joseph M. Hellerstein
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